Our Joyful Young Days
Nov.18.2008 ~ Dec.31.2008Space111Over the age of 13
Tue~Fri 8pm / Sat 4pm, 7:30pm
Sun 4pm
Info Doosanartcenter
- ProgramDAC Artist
- DAC Artists Sung Ki Woong
Theyear 1936, 11th year in the Japanese reign title Showa, was a timewhen the glamorous modern culture boomed in Gyeongseong, or Keisho in Japanese,the capital of Korea in its years under Japanese colonial rule. Our JoyfulYoung Days portrays young artists of the time, centering on novelist ParkTae-won (pen name Kubo) and poet Yi Sang, who at the height of their youth emergedas the darling of the city’s art community. This play can be viewed as a sequelto Seong Gi-woong’s play Novelist Kubo and Gyeongseong People which depicts inomnibus format one day in the life of novice writer Park Tae-won against thebackground of early 1930s. The friendship between Park Tae-won and Yi Sang,best friends whose words and wits kept acquaintances entertained at the time, loomslarge in this portrayal of young artists in a time when happiness and gloom,and gaiety and loneliness alternated, interwoven with humor and heart-rendingpathos.